Orpheo is proud to be involved in one of the most important archaeological sites in the world : « Journey in the Forum », the new project for the valorisation of the Imperial Forum.
 Launched in 2014, this show has been attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors with unanimous approval. With our new innovative solution, the synchronisation between theaudio commentary and 3D video mapping projected onto the ruins of the archaeological area, is even more efficient. The audio track triggers automatically while the visitor passes a point of interest, without the need to press any button of his audio-guide.
Orpheo’s technological solutions, used for this event, are part of the project “Arte per Tutti” (Art for Everyone), a program on museum accessibility, promoted by the company to make Italian cultural heritage accessible to all, through the development of solutions tailored to diverse needs.
The Automatic triggering facilitates the enjoyment by people with disabilities such as motor difficulty, as they do not have to worry about activating the device. This system also allows visitors with hearing impairment to connect an induction loop to their hearing aid that is directly synchronised to the device, and provides a clear sound, and eliminates any external noise or disturbance, because of the overlapping of headphones with the device…