Project: Development of two web apps and production of audio content
Location: Food and Agriculture Organization headquarters (Italy)
Year: 2021

Among its many activities, the Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.) has carried out two projects in Rome in 2021 to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked to the 2030 Agenda and involving Orpheo as a technology partner. Orpheo was responsible for developing several web apps along with audio recordings in two languages (Italian and English).
The G20 Green Garden, an educational trail celebrating nature through a PWA
The FAO created the G20 Green Garden in the Appia Antica Park for the G20 Rome Summit. This project is a open-air museum, created with the aim of reflecting on the future of our planet by celebrating biodiversity, nature and Rome’s ancient heritage. This project illustrates the joint commitment of the G20 countries to ‘People, Planet, Prosperity’ – three core values intrinsically linked to the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). An itinerary has been defined within the park consisting of 7 stops – accessible through a web App/PWA – including the Sacred Wood, the Church of Saint Urban, the Nymphaeum of Egeria, the Riparian Grove and the Cube Meadow where seventeen cubes referring to the 17 SDGs have been installed.
The visitor experience of the G20 Green Garden is self-guided with visitors experiencing an audio tour on their smartphone. PWA was chosen over a native app as it allows visitors to easily access the content, without having to download anything. All they need is an internet connection to load the app page ; once loaded, the PWA can also be used in offline mode with content stored in cache. PWA’s also remove the need to go through app stores to download the application, not impacting a smartphone’s memory.
During this visit, the content of each point of interest is either triggered by the visitor by scanning the QR code on the totems along the route, or automatically triggered by geolocation (GPS triggering). Available in Italian and in English, the content features both audio and text format, with a gallery of images and videos to complete the experience.
You can try the G20 Green Garden app remotely by clicking on the associated smartphone at the bottom of the page (preferably from a mobile device).
Natale a Roma, a PWA to give the gift of sustainability
Like every year, on 8th December, the lights of the Christmas tree in Rome’s Piazza Venezia are switched on, marking the official launch of the Christmas festivities. This year, however, with the FAO leading the initiative, the traditional symbol of Christmas transformed into a symbol of the fight against world hunger. Promoted by the FAO, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Municipality of Rome and Acea, the Natale a Roma (Christmas in Rome) project aimed to highlight important issues such as sustainability and civic responsibility that affect all of us as individuals and citizens of the world.
The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) appear under the giant Christmas tree, wrapped like gift packages. A special eighteenth package, illustrated by Roman artist Lorenzo Terranera, is dedicated to children and gives them hints on how to carry out simple actions at home or at school to learn and contribute to our common sustainable future.
Through this PWA developed by Orpheo, visitors scanned the QR codes on the gift cubes and learned how they can contribute, day after day and with small daily actions, to achieving the 17 SDGs linked to the 2030 Agenda. The web-based app technology automatically recognized the origin of the smartphone and directly activated the Italian or English version. In addition to the audio, text, video and image content, an interactive map showed the location of the other 14 Christmas trees linked to the project, present in each district of Rome.