Orpheo Airset Headphones

Slide Companion products - casque_airset.png High end audio dynamics Hygienic...no foam pads! Replaceable cable jack _______________________________ ________________________ _______________ Durable and flexible headband ____________ Our newest patented headset _______________________ Plastic ultra light construction

Made to optimize the visitors’ comfort without isolating them from their environment, our new patented state of the art headphone is called the Airset.  Designed for premium comfort without touching the visitor skin, the contactless headset provides high sound quality while allowing guests to remain in the context of the environment.

The Airset offers advantages over any other headset on the market:

  • Contactless headsets allow greater airflow for the guest and reduces hygiene care by 70%
  • Audio transmitters require no foam pads saving hundreds of dollars in labor, time and inventory
  • Patented head band allows for superior flexibility preventing it from snapping
  • Replaceable jack cord replaces in 5-10 seconds rather than discarding entire cheap headset.

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